Each year, the SCNPP supports only those candidates chosen by an independent and publicly elected 30-member CNC that represents a broad cross-section of Scarsdale residents and neighborhoods. Thereby, the SCNP removes agenda-driven politicking and instead supports candidates based on their volunteer service record, sound judgement, and the ability to represent all Scarsdale Residents on the many issues our community may face.
In January 2025 the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC) announced that it has officially selected the following residents to be its nominees for elected office in the upcoming Village elections:
Village Mayor:
Justin Arest, a Scarsdale resident for 12 years, currently serving as Village Mayor.
Village Trustee:
David J. Goldschmidt, a Scarsdale resident for 22 years
Dara Gruenberg, a Scarsdale resident for 13 years, currently serving as Village Trustee and seeking a second term.
Jason Kofman, a Scarsdale resident for 12 years
The Village Election will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at Scarsdale Public Library, 54 Olmsted Road in the Scott Room. Voting hours will be from 6:00 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Each year, the SCNPP supports only those candidates chosen by an independent and publicly elected 30-member CNC that represents a broad cross-section of Scarsdale residents and neighborhoods. Thereby, the SCNP removes agenda-driven politicking and instead supports candidates based on their volunteer service record, sound judgment, and the ability to represent all Scarsdale Residents on the many issues our community may face.
On Tuesday, March 18, 2025, Scarsdale voters will have the opportunity to elect one Village Mayor and three Village Trustees. The Scarsdale Citizens’ Non-Partisan Party proudly presents candidates selected by the Citizens Nominating Committee, representing various perspectives and a wealth of community service. It is critically important that you vote, and we encourage you to rally others to do the same. Your voice matters!

The non-partisan system has removed money and influence from the Scarsdale election process, encouraging the most qualified and motivated citizens to serve.
Per past practice, the candidates are expected to run as a slate under the name "Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party.
Procedure Committee Website: http://scarsdaleprocedurecommittee.org
Other individuals may be included on the ballot if they file their own petitions in accordance with local election law.
Scarsdale elections for village office are held every March, with new officials taking office at the beginning of April.
It is important to emphasize that the non-partisan system is neither secret nor arcane. Rather, it is representative government in its purest form. The system has removed money and influence from the process, encouraging the most qualified and motivated individuals to serve.